Disclosure Statements

Friends of Historic Fire Station 62 Disclosure Statements for Donors

1. To reduce FOHFS62’S impact on the environment and printing costs, and provide prospective donors with the most up-to-date disclosure statements, FOHFS62 has posted this information online. These statements will inform you of how your contact and donor information may be used, and the governance and management of The FOHFS62 Funds,

2. Donor’s Consent for Public Acknowledgment

FOHFS62 is grateful for the support it receives from its supporters. One of the ways we express our thanks is by listing the names of donors in Web-based and/or print honor rolls. Should you wish that your name not appear as a donor, please notify us at 424.250.0562 if you have not already done so.

3. Fiduciary Responsibility of Friends Of Historic Fire Station 62

Friends Of Historic Fire Station 62 is a California non-profit, public benefit corporation organized for the purpose of restoring, revitalizing, and operating the Historic Mar Vista Fire Station 62 as a multipurpose community center for the general public. Responsibility for governance of Friends Of Historic Fire Station 62, including investments, is vested in its Board of Directors.

4. Management of Quasi-endowment Gifts

Quasi-endowment gifts are managed and invested in accordance with current best practices investment policies. The total return earned in excess of the amount approved annually for payout will be retained in the endowment principal to protect from the effects of inflation and to allow for growth. At the Board’s discretion, when the payout is not needed for purposes of the fund, the return of payout may be added to the endowment fund principal. In the event the fund does not reach endowment minimum; or the program ceases to exist, proceeds from the fund will be utilized in an area and manner as closely related as possible to the original intent and purposes for which the fund was established.

5. Fundraising Permit

In compliance with the Charitable Solicitation Ordinance in the City of Los Angeles (L.A. Municipal Code Article 4, Section 44), the FOHFS62 permit is on file with the City of Los Angeles.

Want to help this project succeed?
It will only work with help from people like YOU.

This large project and important undertaking requires direct support from our community: our neighbors, businesses, realtors, and  community allies. The two most effective ways to help are to donate and to spread the word about the project.