Many, many thanks here to Los Angeles Councilmemer Mike Bonin who sponsored a barbeque celebrating the City Council’s authorization to negotiate with the Friends of Historic Fire Station 62 an Option to Lease agreement. This authorization marks the first step in transforming the abandoned fire station into a community center to serve the whole community.
Attendance at the July 30 afternoon event was estimated at about 150 individuals. Residents from surrounding apartment buildings and homes showed up to say “hello,” eat, view floor plans, eat, talk to our District 11 Councilmember, eat, hang out, and eat. FHFS62 directors Judith Deutsch and Sharon Commins greeted visitors at the gate. President Albert Olson, Treasurer Rachel Swanger, and Secretary Bob Bridges circulated among visitors, answering questions.
Directors Roy Persinko and Rob Kadota, the latter also a director with the Mar Vista Community Council, did the grillin’. MVCC director Holly Tilson supervised the serving of side dishes.
Many thanks to those who gave food contributions. (Judith baked and decorated over 200 cupcakes!) Thanks to Roy for his terrific pics. An especially warm thank you goes to Len Nguyen who has served as Bonin’s interface with the Friends.